This is Miles' blog site. He is 1&1/2 years old. We are currently living in Oregon but are stationed out of San Diego. Pono is on deployment in the gulf of Iraq, we miss him very much. Miles is also going to be a big brother in September! Another boy, what fun!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

A Day At The Zoo . . .

Here I am with Daddy showing off my "bee-bo" also known as belly button.

Today Mommy and Daddy took me to the zoo! I love the Zoo! There are lots of animals and they make funny sounds! My friend Corwin and his family came with us, I'm glad because that made it more fun!

Here's a picture of a kitty sleeping in a log....I think my kitty would have gotten stuck in that log!

We saw the seals! They were all lovey dovey. I think they were sleepy and wanted to take a nap because it was just after feeding time and I know that after I eat I get sleepy!

The Monkeys we feeling the love too...this was cute, but Mommy had to cover my eyes for the other monkeys. I don't know why, she said they were just playing!

Isn't this a cute little fella? Mommy called him Koala, I don't know how she knew his name!

Here I am with Mommy. I love her, she's so good to me! Aren't we cute together!?!

Daddy said that Mommy is silly because she always wants to pose us for pictures, we're cute though....can you blame her!?!

Here's Daddy and me infront of the bird cage...the birds were pretty colors! We didn't go inside their cage though because daddy said birds poop.

I got to ride an elephant today! Daddy hid behind me to make sure I didn't fall off, it was fun! I can't wait till I'm big enough to ride a real elephant!!!

I was getting cranky so Daddy gave me a piggy back ride...they always cheer me up!

Here's Daddy and I again but this time we're in the gardens! I thought it was okay, I like to grab the plants! My buddy Corwin likes the water!

A little video of Mommy helping me walk(filmed by Daddy)

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