This is Miles' blog site. He is 1&1/2 years old. We are currently living in Oregon but are stationed out of San Diego. Pono is on deployment in the gulf of Iraq, we miss him very much. Miles is also going to be a big brother in September! Another boy, what fun!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Reading and being Mischievous

I decided that I wanted to crawl on the ledge under the table, but I got caught. Mommy took a picture of me giving my "Which way to the nearest exit" look.....Mommy just laughed at me.

Mommy says that I look like such a big boy in this picture....I told Mommy that I AM a big boy!!!

Here I am standing by the couch. This is one of my favorite things to do, I'll stand where ever and whenever I can. I want to walk so badly but I just haven't got it down yet. Mommy helps me practice though, so hopefully I'll be on my own soon.

Mommy got me on video trying to read to myself, Once I realized she was taping me I got shy though.....

Reading my book
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