This is Miles' blog site. He is 1&1/2 years old. We are currently living in Oregon but are stationed out of San Diego. Pono is on deployment in the gulf of Iraq, we miss him very much. Miles is also going to be a big brother in September! Another boy, what fun!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Growing up so fast!

Mommy thinks that I will be walking before my first birthday! I think so too, I'm already trying to stand on my own, forget this crawling stuff....that's for babies! I like to think of myself as a big boy. Mommy says that no matter how big I am I'll always be her little boy, I guess I'm okay with that. I think I'm teething again, I get cranky when my teeth are coming in, but Mommy tries to stay patient with me. I'm almost 21 pounds now, one more pound to go and I'll weigh as much as our kitty. Mommy says that the kitty is fat! I won't be fat if I weigh that much though, I'll just be healthy......I told her that kitty isn't fat, there's just more of him to love.

Look at me, I'm so talented!!! I can hold my sippy cup all by myself!

Mommy let me sit in our rocker and look at my picture book....Mommy needs to put more pictures it though because there's only two. Mommy stayed right by my side so that I didn't get any bright ideas about getting out of the chair on my own. Mommy says that my innocence is so precious, yet it scares her because I'm fearless....Mommy says that someday I'll learn what I can and can't do. I say I don't know what Mommy's talking about!

Hey look, I caught a fish!!! I love being in my boat, it's tons of fun!

Mommy and Daddy wanted to go on a walk but Daddy didn't want to take the stroller so he strapped me to his belly!!! Daddy said that my legs are too fat for this contraption, but I like it! I got to be tall and see everything that was going the wind was blowing through my hair....aaaaahhhhhh, I love the wind!