This is Miles' blog site. He is 1&1/2 years old. We are currently living in Oregon but are stationed out of San Diego. Pono is on deployment in the gulf of Iraq, we miss him very much. Miles is also going to be a big brother in September! Another boy, what fun!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

New shoes & Teeth!!!

Mommy and Daddy bought me some new shoes because they were super cheep on sale!!! Here I am modeling them for you, snazzy aren't they!!!??!!!

Mom & Papa (Hawaiian Grandparents) sent me these in the mail today! They are super cute and comfy! Mommy said that they are a little too big but that I should fit into them soon....I can't wait! Thanks Mom & Papa, I love them!

My two top teeth have cut through the gums....finally! They hurt me so bad and I kept Mommy up at night because of the pain. Now I just like to stick out my bottom teeth, Mommy says I look like a bull dog when I do that. Then I like to clink my teeth together because it sounds and feels funny!

You can see my teeth in this picture a little better even though I look fuzzy. My teeth are coming in fast, Mommy doesn't like them very much because I bite her sometimes, I'm just exploring though....hey they're new what else am I suppose to do with them!?!