This is Miles' blog site. He is 1&1/2 years old. We are currently living in Oregon but are stationed out of San Diego. Pono is on deployment in the gulf of Iraq, we miss him very much. Miles is also going to be a big brother in September! Another boy, what fun!

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Cranky days & Teething!

Just to let everyone know, Tropical Storm Ernesto is headed our way. Mommy says not to worry though, it will just bring lots of rain and some wind. It is expected to go above us, which means the worst of the storm will be to our north. Don't worry about us...Mommy said she has lots of fun indoor activities planned for us! Yay!

Daddy thought I looked funny sleeping in the car, so he took this snap shot...I don't know why Mommy and Daddy always take pictures of me sleeping, how rude!

I was fussy all morning yesterday for Mommy, I missed my Daddy because as soon as he left the car for work, the tear started flowing! Plus, my mouth hurts, I think I have more teeth comming in...

This is my buddy Logan, him and his Mommy came over to help cheer me up. I love my buddy Logan, we have fun together!

Logan let me chew on his yellow spoon, it felt good on my gums! Then our Mommys took us to the mall to charm the ladies....we ran into Carter and his Mommy there....small world!

Here I am in the bath tub showing off my four teeth! I bet I'll have more soon.

Mommy got me a gumball from because we had a gift certificate from Aunty Melissa & family. She also got me two books called Parts & More Parts by Todd Arnold....they are FUNNY!

I haven't quite figured out how my gumball machine works yet but I like to play with it! I like to drumb on it. Mommy will push the lever for me which starts the music and lights, Mommy's trying to teach me to wiggle to the music.

This is a close up picture of my gumball machine. You put the balls inside and push the blue lever and the ball rolls down and it plays music. I get really excited and throw my hands in the air. When Mommy puts it on the ground, no matter where I am I scurry to it in my frantic crawl!!! Thanks Aunty Mellis!!!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Friends, Family, & Fun!

Here I am on my way home from breastfeeding support group. Next to me is my friend Carter and next to him is my new friend Kylee....she's a cutie! I usually go for the older girls but I just might make an exception....we'll see.

I like to be naked....Mommy says that I have to wear my diaper though because she doesn't want a mess. I'm learning to climb, Mommy said that if I want to climb I have to be careful and that I'm not allowed to climb very high. I know it's just because Mommy loves me, but I fuss anyway.

This is my family! Mommy took me to see Daddy graduate...I'm so proud of my Daddy! He's my hero!

We went downtown today. Here I am with the wind blowing in my hair looking at the water. What a beautiful day!

Daddy carried me in the front pack, we walked all over. Down by the water, along all the stores, and we ate at a resturant. I saw lots of people walking their dogs, they're funny looking....but the horses that I saw really caught my eye!!! I've never seen anything like it, they're big!

Another family picture, down by the water in Charleston. Mommy said that we have a picture of me in her tummy down by the water near where this picture was taken. That was over a year!

Here I am with Daddy. Mommy thought it would be a neat picture with the American Flag in the background, one of the other flags is the south carolina flag, and I don't know the other one. We're proud to be American!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

My Kitty, My Friend...

This is my Kitty Ipo (that's sweetheart in Hawaiian). He is my friend, when I was in my Mommy's tummy he use to lay next to her belly and purr to me.

He is a nice Kitty, he lets me pet him. He is very patient with me because I am learning what gentle means. Mommy tells me to pet the kitty, but sometimes I grab his fur.

I like to climb on Kitty sometimes, Mommy says that Kitty doesn't like that, but I do it anyway. Kitty meows at me but he never bites, even when I get a little rough. Mommy says he is a good kitty!

kitty my friend
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Here is a video of me playing with my Kitty, I tried to talk to him but he didn't talk back....

New shoes & Teeth!!!

Mommy and Daddy bought me some new shoes because they were super cheep on sale!!! Here I am modeling them for you, snazzy aren't they!!!??!!!

Mom & Papa (Hawaiian Grandparents) sent me these in the mail today! They are super cute and comfy! Mommy said that they are a little too big but that I should fit into them soon....I can't wait! Thanks Mom & Papa, I love them!

My two top teeth have cut through the gums....finally! They hurt me so bad and I kept Mommy up at night because of the pain. Now I just like to stick out my bottom teeth, Mommy says I look like a bull dog when I do that. Then I like to clink my teeth together because it sounds and feels funny!

You can see my teeth in this picture a little better even though I look fuzzy. My teeth are coming in fast, Mommy doesn't like them very much because I bite her sometimes, I'm just exploring though....hey they're new what else am I suppose to do with them!?!

Monday, August 21, 2006

Hot days and Partys

My Mommy left me at home with Daddy so that she could go out with her friends Miss Eliza, Miss Tamar, and Miss Courtney. I was good for Daddy but I knew when Mommy got home and I had missed her so I cried every few hours just to make sure she didn't leave me again!

We went to the Corwins house to play games on Saturday. Here I am with Daddy sharing my toy. Daddy was trying to bite the boring part, the star that I am biting vibrates and feel soooo good on my new teeth!

Sunday we went to the water park with Ben's family. Swimming take a lot out of you! I got hungry and cranky so we didn't get to stay as long as we wanted....but hopefully we'll get to go at least one more time before they close!

Mommy tried to lay me down for a nap in my stroller so we wouldn't have to leave the water park, but I wasn't having it! There were too many distractions! She even tried to put a towel over the stroller to block my view, but I'm too smart for that....I played peek-a-boo! Oh, and Mommy forgot my passifier in the car so Mr. Ben let me borrow his...thanks buddy!

Friday, August 18, 2006

Working it for the camera!!!

At play group on Monday Miss Courtney had her camera out so I gave her some of my best poses. I was working it for the camera..... giving a little attitude, showing off the better side....

I gave her a little of this, and a little of that..... I'm telling you being this cute is HARD work!!! Buns like these don't come along every day you know!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Baskets and Change....

Mommy put me in a new outfit the other day, she said that it has bikes on it and that it reminded her of Uncle Jason. Mommy said that one day maybe Uncle Jason will help teach me how to ride a bike, I think that sounds like fun!

Mommy colored her eye different today! Instead of brown they were blue....I'm not to sure about that!

Even though Mommy's eyes were different, she was still the same goofy Mommy I know. She was trying to teach me how to clap my hands, I do it sometimes but not often. I'll get it soon.

Daddy was watching me this evening and he let me get myself into a pickle. I crawled into my toy basket and I couldn't get out. He called Mommy to take a picture before helping rude! Can't you see how unhappy I am!?! At least my buddy Pooh was there to hold my hand through the whole ordeal!

This is Miss Mary, she works at the hospital that I was born at. This picture was taken when I was 1 day old, she came into my Mommy's room and gave her a cookie and tea and sang me my first song.

This is Miss Mary and I the other day, I'm 9 months old now and I still get to see her every week. She comes into our Breastfeeding support group and gives us cookies and tea and sings us a song or two. She has a beautiful voice and I am in awe whenever I hear her sing. I love Miss Mary!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Waving Bye-Bye

I learned to wave Bye-Bye today. Mommy was funny because she kept trying to get me to do it over and over again! I finally gave up and told her that enough is enough! Maybe I'll do some more tomorrow but I gave her this little show to share. Enjoy!

bye bye 004
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Sunday, August 13, 2006

Look A Like

No, this isn't me! This is a picture of my Grandpa when he was little....don't we look alike!?! I think that my Grandpa is a handsom man, so I'm okay with looking like him.....My Daddy even mistook this picture for me before he got a good look at it! Now we know where I got my looks from!

Giving kisses

Here is a video of me showing off how I can give kisses. It's short because I was tired and ready for bed, so I guess these are good night kisses.

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A Day at the Park

Today Mommy and Daddy took me to the park. It was a lot of fun! Mommy took me on the swing. We rocked back and forth, it was nice.

Daddy and I took a break on the bench, we went for a little walk along the paths and it was getting warm out.

We saw a snake cross the path, he moved funny! Where's his feet?

Mommy's silly and wanted to pose on the fence. Can you see my belly can see you!

Daddy let me chew on his belt while we played in the grass....

This is the first time that I've sat in the grass! I liked the feel of it between my toes, it kindof tickled. Sitting in it was fun, but.....

Crawling was different!!! I wasn't too sure about this! I would sink in when I moved, Mommy and Daddy finally got me to crawl with some coaxing but I still wasn't too sure about it!

Daddy and I played in the grass, I think I'm beginning to like this green stuff. Daddy seemed to like it, so it can't be that bad. It did feel rather nice.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Hugs & Jugs

My buddy Logan and his Mommy came over to visit and go out to lunch today. Logan is a big boy and can walk all by himself, he was trying to show me how he does it. I love my friend Logan, we're best buddies!

Then tonight Mommy and Daddy took me to Hooters to meet up with Mr. Ben and his family....let me tell you, I LOVE this place!!! This was a breast fed babies paradise!!! Kyle (Ben's older brother) had all the ladies signing his balloon, one of the ladies summed our visit up perfectly, "Hugs & Jugs"! Is there more to life!?!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Yum, Cheerios!

Here I am eating cheerios! Mommy lined them up along the edge of the table to get me to walk in order to get to the much work!

yum cheerios
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Lunch, Pickles, and Sleep!

Mommy and Miss Eliza took me to lunch and they told me there was a surprise there....It was Mommy and Miss Eliza's friend Tamar! I was real tiny when she saw me last time, she couldn't get over how cute I am! She wanted to keep me but Mommy said that she couldn't. I hope we can see her again soon!

Miss Eliza gave me a pickle to try, I could not get enough of it!!! My eyes are closed in this picture, but I really did like the pickle....Mommy says she likes pickles too!!!

Here I am sucking on the pickle....I hope Mommy lets me have pickles again soon!

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Mommy's so mean to me! I was taking a nap in the car, and she says I was snoring. She got it on video but I still don't believe her that I snore.....Mommy says I'm just like Daddy, Daddy says he doesn't snore either.....hummmmm....

Kisses from Mommy

This morning I slept in and Mommy got a chance to put her makeup on, then when I got up she kissed my cheek! Yuck! Lipstick! Then to make it worse, Mommy did the all time worst thing ever.....She licked her finger and wiped it off!!! The only thing worse would have been if we were in public. Sheesh Mom, how embarrassing!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

A Visit With Friends

Mommy and I went to visit Corwin and Miss Jennifer today. It was nice to see them, it's been a while!! Corwin shared his teething toy with me, mommy tried to get a video of us when Corwin was helping me stick the teether in my mouth but she wasn't fast enough.

Here I am with Corwin, "CHEEEEEEEEESE!" Yup, cheesing it up for the camera, that's us!

This is what Mommy sees all day long, I like to follow her everywhere she goes and climb up to standing position with the help of her legs. I love my Mommy, I don't ever want to let her out of my sight! When I can't see Mommy I get scared and cry, she always comes right back and comforts me.....I live for hugs!

Miss Jennifer was nice and took a picture of Mommy and I outside their house today. It was hot outside and we were waiting for the car to cool off. Aren't we cute!?!