This is Miles' blog site. He is 1&1/2 years old. We are currently living in Oregon but are stationed out of San Diego. Pono is on deployment in the gulf of Iraq, we miss him very much. Miles is also going to be a big brother in September! Another boy, what fun!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

January 2009 Happy New Year!!!

So, it's been a while since I've updated this site and I figured being the new year and all that it was way past time! So 2008 is over, it's been a year of many new beginings. Zander turned one, learned to crawl, then walk,eat solid foods, and even say a few words...when he wants to. He even got his first haircut. Miles turned three, learned to hit a baseball, ride a bike, sing songs, and say his ABC's. We took some trips to Oregon, Hawaii, Palm Springs, and Northern California. Pono and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary, which also means that we've been a Navy family for four years too. Time has flown by!!! That's a quick update on our year of 2008.

New Year's Eve

He insisted on eating the lime, so I caught his reaction on film!

The boys first "cars"

A brother is a friend given by Nature. ~Jean Baptiste Legouve

Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero. ~Marc Brown

San Diego sunset

Strutting his stuff


Zander, kissing the girl next door.

Miles and his best friend Carter

December 2008

Zander & Daddy

Zander & Mommy

Zander's reaction to Poi....he loved it!

Bowl head

Best present ever!

Showing off their "sick puppies"

Miles & Daddy

Mommy & Miles Christmas eve


Miles & Zander with Mom, Papa, Tutu Mom & Tutu Papa


Mom & Papa with the boys

Pono & his boys

Tired boys after a hard day of playing

Miles & Carter with Santa

Elliot, Miles & Carter "hanging" out

Side view

Amber's new haircut